Class Action

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 04.02.21

* A lawsuit alleging that Disney infringed on copyrights when it rebooted "Muppet Babies" has been dismissed. Guess Disney doesn't have to open its Miss Piggy bank and the lawsuit is now Gonzo... [Hollywood Reporter] * The Supreme Court sided with Facebook in a recent case alleging that unwanted text messages sent by the social media platform violated federal law. [Hill] * A contempt conviction has been upheld against a lawyer who allegedly streamed a hearing live on Facebook. [Macomb Daily] * Check out this feature on Kim Kardashian's divorce lawyer. [New York Times] * A class action alleging that a telemarketing company overcharged clients has settled for millions of dollars. [Oregonian] * Thousands of government workers in New York may be unable to smoke recreational marijuana under a proposed law. Thank you for your service... [Daily News]

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 01.25.21

* A class action has been filed against Allstate for allegedly using unqualified expert witnesses to drive up legal costs. Hope the company is in good hands... [Texas Lawyer] * A Tennessee lawyer has had his law license suspended for allegedly advising someone on how to kill another and make it look like self defense. [New York Post] * A South Carolina law firm that purportedly assisted in a scheme to defraud retirees and others has been ordered to pay restitution. [Post and Courier] * Three Breonna Taylor grand jurors are seeking to impeach the Attorney General of Kentucky. [CNN] * Since Above the Law hasn't had a "Lawyerly Lairs" segment in a while, just wanted to relate that Gibson Dunn's Randy Mastro just listed his Upper East Side pad for a hefty sum. [Real Deal]

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 12.15.20

* A federal judge has certified a class action filed by peanut farmers alleging that companies conspired to depress the price of peanuts. Guess the farmers didn't want to be paid "peanuts" for their crop... [Counter] * Pinterest has settled a gender discrimination lawsuit filed by a former executive for $22.5 million. [CNN Business] * Attorney General Bill Barr will resign his position next week. [New York Times] * A probe into Hunter Biden's taxes is purportedly complicating Joe Biden's search for an Attorney General. [Politico] * A prominent Los Angeles attorney, who was involved in the case that inspired the movie Erin Brockovich, has had his assets frozen by a judge. This might be a good plot for a sequel... [Los Angeles Times]

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 12.10.20

* Rapper Lil Wayne is due to make his first court appearance related to a weapons bust that took place on a private plane last year. Wonder if the judge will call him "Lil Wayne" in court... [All Hip Hop] * Home Depot has settled a multimillion-dollar class-action related to a data breach. [National Law Review] * Facebook has finally been hit with long-anticipated antitrust litigation. [NPR] * Hunter Biden is allegedly under investigation for tax issues. [Guardian] * Vermont Law School is considering a move to Burlington, Vermont. Would be a good decision, Burlington is a nice town. [VT Digger]

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 10.29.20

* A federal judge may soon certify a class action involving the pay of fighters in the UFC. Maybe they should just resolve their differences in the Octagon... [Yahoo News] * A former judge in Texas has surrendered her law license after she faced charges for wire fraud and other crimes. [Texas Lawyer] * A Florida lawyer claims he was racially targeted for jogging late at night around his community. [NBC News] * Sanctions against an attorney involved in a case concerning Roundup have been overturned. [Bloomberg Law] * Bed Bath & Beyond is paying $1.49 million to settle a lawsuit claiming it illegally disposed of hazardous waste. Maybe the company will be able to negotiate a 20 percent discount... [CBS News]

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 08.06.20

* A cannabis operator has hired a new top lawyer. Wonder if he's charging $420 an hour... [Law360] * A new lawsuit alleges that a cruise line held crewmembers against their will and without pay during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. [Fox News] * An attorney has been suspended from practice for paying clients fake recoveries out of his own pocket. [ABA Journal] * That Google Plus class-action settlement email many of us got recently was real just in case anyone had doubts. [Fast Company] * An ex-Walmart employee has filed a lawsuit after allegedly being fired for reporting social distancing violations. [Hill] * A lawyer who borrowed $440,000 from a litigation funder may now be on the hook for $18 million. Don't think an attorney can argue he didn't read the contracts... [Legal Newsline]